Easing Grief with Interconnection

Lura Jackson
2 min readDec 17, 2022



The recent loss of my father is testing the depths of my understanding of interconnection on a spiritual and metaphysical level.

I catch myself thinking of something to share with him, a thought or a memory or a question or a meal, and then remembering he’s not here. Admonishing myself for forgetting, because it’s painful to remember the loss of him.

But in the timeless sense — in the sense that time is a linear illusion — he is here. The only difference is that his physical form does not align with the current moment in linear time. Other than that, he is exactly where he has always been.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, after all. Like the water that came from a star, was drank by the dinosaurs, and is in your cup of tea today — it changes form but retains a portion of what it was, a molecular resonance at the nanoscopic level that serves as the foundation of the water memory network.

The energy, the memory, the vibrating signature across space and time that was my father — and all of our loved ones — that is an eternal part of the golden braid. I think of that, and I feel like I can touch him at the back of my mind. The memory of him becomes tangible.

Outside of time, we are all together. That is the unchanging “now”.



Lura Jackson

Award-winning freelance writer, exploring interconnection one word at a time. Want to come along? More: www.lurajackson.com